Call for speakers

The call for 2024 speakers is now closed. If you’re a passionate advocate of tech-driven social change, who sparks dynamite debates and disrupts minds with new ideas, you belong on next year's stage. Subscribe for updates to join us in 2025

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4YFN Speaking Opportunities

Speaking on our stage is your opportunity to impact the 4YFN conference and shake up the world, as you share your visionary thought leadership with our influential global audience of tech gurus, industry trailblazers and fearless founders.

This year’s powerful themes

For 4YFN24, speaker submissions were crafted around the following compelling themes:

  • Growth 
  • Startup Funding 
  • Corporate Innovation
  • The Age of AI 
  • Art of Innovation 
  • Decentralisation (Web 3.0)

Explore Themes

Programmes for 2024

Speakers have the opportunity to grace the stage at one of our in-depth programmes, focused on a particular topic, technology or industry vertical – see which area ignites your passion and knowledge the most.

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