Faster, easier, and risk-free hiring
Talentoo is a digital platform that connects your company with a network of specialised recruiters to find the best talent for your roles.
Post unlimited job offers for FREE and let our headhunters do the heavy lifting — sourcing, screening, and interviewing candidates.
You'll receive a selection of the top 7 resumes, saving you time and effort. Review profiles, chat with recruiters, and schedule final interviews at your convenience.
Best of all, you only pay if you hire, with a 30-day guarantee to reopen the process if the candidate isn’t the right fit.
Talentoo is a digital platform that connects your company with a network of specialised recruiters to find the best talent for your roles.
Post unlimited job offers for FREE and let our headhunters do the heavy lifting — sourcing, screening, and interviewing candidates.
You'll receive a selection of the top 7 resumes, saving you time and effort. Review profiles, chat with recruiters, and schedule final interviews at your convenience.
Best of all, you only pay if you hire, with a 30-day guarantee to reopen the process if the candidate isn’t the right fit.
Key Information
- Growth Stage Series B and beyond
- Country Spain
- Founding Year 2016